Sheriff Bashir, Amb. Mahmud A. Lawal & Other Stake Holders Drive SDG Review in Zamfara" - Microblog

Sheriff Bashir, Amb. Mahmud A. Lawal & Other Stake Holders Drive SDG Review in Zamfara”

the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Coordinator of Zamfara State, Sheriff Bashir, hosted a Validation Meeting to review the Baseline and Performance Tracking Report for 2023. The meeting was aimed to assess the state’s progress towards the SDGs, received valuable insights from a diverse group of stakeholders, including Amb. Mahmud A. Lawal, Team Lead of Galaxy Youth Empowerment Initiatives.


On the 18th of July, 2024, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Coordinator of Zamfara State, Sheriff Bashir, welcomed participants to the Validation Meeting aimed at reviewing the Baseline and Performance Tracking Report for 2023. This event sought to assess the progress made towards achieving the SDGs and to gather essential feedback from various stakeholders on the findings presented.

Purpose of the Meeting

The primary objectives of the Validation Meeting were:

  • To evaluate the progress made towards achieving the SDGs in Zamfara State.
  • To gather feedback and insights from stakeholders on the Baseline and Performance Tracking Report for 2023.
  • To identify achievements, challenges, and areas requiring intensified efforts.
  • To guide future strategies and actions towards sustainable development.


A group photo of the Participants

A diverse group of stakeholders was invited to participate in this crucial validation meeting, including:

  • Government Agencies
  • Civil Society Organizations
  • Development Partners
  • Academia
  • Private Sector Representatives
  • Amb. Mahmud A. Lawal, Team Lead, Galaxy Youth Empowerment Initiatives

Opening Remarks by SDGs Coordinator, Sheriff Bashir

Sheriff Bashir, the SDGs Coordinator of Zamfara State.

Sheriff Bashir, the SDGs Coordinator of Zamfara State, opened the meeting by welcoming all participants. He emphasized the importance of this gathering in assessing the state’s progress towards the SDGs and highlighted the critical role of stakeholder feedback in refining the report.

Overview of the Baseline and Performance Tracking Report 2023

The Baseline and Performance Tracking Report for 2023 provides a comprehensive analysis of the current status of SDGs implementation in Zamfara State. It highlights:

  • Achievements: Notable progress and milestones achieved in various SDG targets.
  • Challenges: Key obstacles and issues encountered in the implementation process.
  • Areas Requiring Intensified Efforts: Specific domains where increased focus and resources are needed.

Achievements Highlighted in the Report

The report showcases several important achievements, including:

  • Improvement in healthcare services and reduction in maternal and child mortality rates.
  • Enhanced access to quality education, with increased school enrollment rates.
  • Progress in clean water and sanitation projects, leading to better public health outcomes.
  • Advancements in gender equality initiatives, promoting women’s empowerment and participation in decision-making.

Challenges Encountered

Despite the progress, the report also identifies several challenges:

  • Limited financial resources and budget constraints affecting project implementation.
  • Inadequate infrastructure and logistical issues in remote areas.
  • Socio-political instability impacting consistent SDG activities.
  • Cultural barriers and resistance to certain developmental changes

Areas Requiring Intensified Efforts

To further the SDGs agenda, the report suggests intensified efforts in the following areas:

  • Strengthening partnerships with international organizations and development partners.
  • Enhancing community engagement and awareness campaigns.
  • Allocating more resources to critical sectors such as healthcare, education, and infrastructure.
  • Promoting sustainable agricultural practices to ensure food security.

Stakeholder Contributions and Feedback

During the meeting, stakeholders were given the opportunity to provide their insights and feedback. Key points raised included:

  • The need for more inclusive policies that consider the most vulnerable populations.
  • Suggestions for innovative approaches to overcome financial and logistical challenges.
  • Calls for increased transparency and accountability in the implementation process.
  • Recommendations for leveraging technology to enhance data collection and monitoring.

Contribution by Amb. Mahmud A. Lawal, Team Lead, Galaxy Youth Empowerment Initiatives

Amb. Mahmud A. Lawal, the Team Lead for Galaxy Youth Empowerment Initiatives

Amb. Mahmud A. Lawal, the Team Lead for Galaxy Youth Empowerment Initiatives, emphasized the importance of youth engagement in achieving the SDGs. He highlighted the need for creating more opportunities for young people to contribute to sustainable development projects and stressed the role of empowerment initiatives in driving progress.

Commitment to Transparency and Accountability

The validation meeting shows the current administration under HE Dr. Dauda Lawal’s commitment to transparency, accountability, and inclusiveness in its efforts towards achieving the SDGs. By engaging a wide range of stakeholders, the administration demonstrates its dedication to collective responsibility and collaborative problem-solving.

Constructive Dialogue and Collaboration

The meeting provided a platform for constructive dialogue and collaboration among stakeholders. It reinforced the importance of:

  • Inclusive Participation: To ensure that all voices are heard and considered in the decision-making process.
  • Collaborative Efforts: To encourage joint initiatives and partnerships to maximize impact.
  • Continuous Improvement: Using feedback to refine strategies and improve future performance.


The Validation Meeting on the SDGs Baseline and Performance Tracking Report for 2023 was a critical step in Zamfara State’s journey towards sustainable development. By assessing progress, identifying challenges, and gathering stakeholder feedback, the meeting pave way for more informed and effective SDG strategies moving forward.

The collaborative efforts and shared commitment of all participants will undoubtedly contribute to a more sustainable and prosperous future for Zamfara State.

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