Victory for Batch C2: N-POWER Dashboard Logging Fixed, Payroll Updated! - Microblog

Victory for Batch C2: N-POWER Dashboard Logging Fixed, Payroll Updated!

This blog post will provide you with the latest information on N-POWER Dashboard, the challenges and the payroll update for the previous payments for batch C2.


This report serves as a follow-up to the earlier report on the changes made to the NASIMS website and the challenges faced by N-POWER beneficiaries in accessing their dashboards. It provides an update on the recent development regarding the N-POWER dashboard login issue and the implications it holds for Batch C2 beneficiaries.

Recap of NASIMS Website Changes and N-POWER Dashboard Login Challenge

In the previous report, we discussed the recent rearrangement of the NASIMS website, where all the social investment schemes, including N-POWER, were consolidated onto one page. While this change aimed to enhance user experience, it inadvertently led to difficulties for N-POWER beneficiaries who were unable to log in to their dashboards.

N-POWER Dashboard Upgraded and Back Online

In light of the challenges faced by N-POWER beneficiaries, NASIMS has taken prompt action to address the login issue. The N-POWER dashboard has been upgraded and is now back online. As a result, Batch C2 beneficiaries can now successfully log in to their dashboards and access essential information related to their enrollment and payroll.

Batch C2 beneficiaries can now easily access their past payrolls for October, November, and December. But that’s not all – the upgraded N-POWER dashboard allows you to keep track of future payments once they’re initiated.

Improved User Experience and Hopes Revived

With the N-POWER dashboard back in operation, Batch C2 beneficiaries can now conveniently view their personal details, program status, and stipend-related information. This development has brought renewed hopes among beneficiaries, indicating that the N-POWER program is still active and operational.

Significance for the N-POWER Program

The successful resolution of the dashboard login challenge signifies the commitment of NASIMS to rectify technical issues promptly and ensure beneficiaries’ access to crucial program-related information. It reaffirms the government’s dedication to the N-POWER program’s continuity and effectiveness in empowering Nigerian youths through employment and skill development.

Future Prospects for Stipend Payments

The restoration of the N-POWER dashboard is a positive indication that significant developments may be imminent regarding the issue of stipend payments. With Batch C2 beneficiaries now able to access their payroll information, it is expected that NASIMSng will expedite the process of disbursing outstanding stipend payments for the months of January to July.

Increased Confidence and Trust in NASIMS

The swift resolution of the dashboard login challenge and the upgraded system have also contributed to increased confidence and trust in the NASIMS platform. Beneficiaries and applicants can have more faith in the efficiency and responsiveness of the system, which is vital for the successful implementation of social investment programs.


The recent upgrade and restoration of the N-POWER dashboard is a positive development for the NASIMS website and the N-POWER program. Batch C2 beneficiaries can now log in and access their payroll information, which has instilled hopes for the timely resolution of the outstanding stipend payments. This development demonstrates NASIMS’ commitment to addressing technical challenges promptly and ensuring the effective operation of social investment schemes.

With the N-POWER program still very much alive, it is anticipated that significant progress will be made soon on the issue of payments, fostering greater empowerment and socio-economic development among Nigerian youths. Moving forward, it is crucial for NASIMS to continue prioritizing user experience, timely communication, and efficient program management to achieve the desired impact and outcomes of social investment initiatives.

You may want to see: NASIMS Website Outlook Rearrangement and N-POWER Beneficiaries’ Issues

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