Census Training Update for All Applicants. - Microblog

Census Training Update for All Applicants.

The purpose of this report is to inform the selected adhoc staff about the training invitation sent by the NPC. It also aims to highlight the significance of training and provide an overview of the roles and responsibilities of supervisors and enumerators in the Census 2023.


The National Population Commission (NPC) is preparing for the upcoming Census in 2023. As part of the process, the NPC has started sending training invitations to selected adhoc staff through email. This report provides comprehensive information on the training invitation, its contents, the roles and responsibilities of supervisors and enumerators, and the importance of training for successful census operations.

Training Invitation

The NPC has officially started sending training invitations to the approved adhoc staff for the Census 2023. This notification serves as a confirmation that the adhoc staff members have been selected and are required to participate in the training.

All approved candidates will receive the training invitation through email. It is important to regularly check the email inbox and spam folder for any communication from the NPC.

Contents of the Training Invitation

The email will outline the specifics of the training session, including the purpose, duration, and objectives. A training manual will be provided, which will serve as a comprehensive guide for adhoc staff during the training and the subsequent census operations.

The email will specify the date and time of the training session. It is essential to mark these details on the calendar and make necessary arrangements to attend the training.

The email will also mention the venue where the training will take place. It is important to make note of the location or platform and plan for transportation and if necessary.

Importance of the Training

The training will provide adhoc staff with a comprehensive understanding of the census process, including data collection methods, questionnaire administration, and data quality control.

Through the training, enumerators and supervisors will gain clarity on their respective roles and responsibilities. This includes conducting interviews, collecting accurate data, ensuring confidentiality, and reporting to the supervisors.

Training plays a crucial role in maintaining data accuracy during the census. Adhoc staff will be trained on proper data collection techniques, minimizing errors, and following standard protocols.

Adhoc staff will receive training on the importance of maintaining the confidentiality and security of the collected data. This training will include guidelines on data handling, storage, and protection from unauthorized access.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Enumerators are responsible for conducting interviews and collecting data from households or individuals.
  • Enumerators will also regularly report to their assigned supervisors, providing updates on progress, challenges, and any issues encountered during data collection.
  • Supervisors play a critical role in overseeing the work of enumerators and ensuring data quality.
  • Supervisors will also monitor data collection activities, conduct quality checks, and review collected data for accuracy and completeness. They will address any data collection issues promptly.

Preparation for the Training

All selected adhoc staff must regularly check their email inbox and spam folder for updates and communication from the NPC regarding the training and other census-related information.

Also, Adhoc staff should carefully read and understand the training manual provided in the email. This will help them grasp the census procedures, guidelines, and their specific roles.


In conclusion, the National Population Commission has begun sending approved mails to selected adhoc staff members for the upcoming Census. The training invitations contain important details regarding the training activity, including the manual, date, time, timetable, and location. It is advised that all approved candidates regularly check their emails and be prepared for the training.

The speculation regarding the Census not taking place is now dispelled as messages are being sent to qualified members. Congratulations to those who have been invited.

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