NPC Postpones Training for Enumerators and Supervisors - Microblog

NPC Postpones Training for Enumerators and Supervisors

On April 12th, 2023, the National Population Commission (NPC) has officially postponed the eagerly anticipated training session for enumerators and supervisors. The event, initially slated for April 13th, has been deferred until further notice.

Announcement via Media Handles

Dr. Isiyaka Yahaya, the Director of Public Affairs at NPC, took to the commission’s media platforms to break the news. In a succinct statement, he declared the postponement and provided insight into the reasons behind this unexpected decision.

The Official Statement

The statement issued by Dr. Isiyaka Yahaya, Ph.D, reads as follows:

The Commission wishes to inform the general public that the LGA-level training of Supervisors and Enumerators that was scheduled to commence tomorrow, 13th April, 2023, has been postponed due to emerging issues. The new date will be communicated to the public in due course.

We assure Nigerians that the Commission remains committed to conducting a credible and acceptable 2023 Population and Housing Census, and that all preparations are in top gear.

Consequently, we advise the public to disregard any message contrary to this information. We regret any inconvenience this postponement may cause the functionaries.

Isiaka Yahaya, Ph.D
Director, Public Affairs
12th April, 2023

Commitment to a Credible Census

Despite the sudden change in plans, the NPC emphasized its commitment to ensuring a credible and acceptable Population and Housing Census. Assurances were given that all preparations are well underway, even with the setback.

Disregarding Contrary Messages

In light of the postponement, the NPC urged the public to dismiss any conflicting information that might circulate. This appeal aimed to maintain clarity and prevent confusion among those involved and the general public.

Apology for Inconvenience

Acknowledging the potential inconveniences caused by the sudden change, Dr. Isiyaka Yahaya expressed regret on behalf of the Commission. This gesture showed NPC’s awareness and understanding of the impact such decisions can have on those involved in the census preparations.

Real Reasons for Census Postponement

Some of the real reasons why the 2023 scheduled Census exercise was postponed include:

Government’s Transition Programme

The 2023 Census Manager and Director of the National Population Commission (NPC), revealed that the primary reasons behind the postponement of the 2023 Population and Housing Census are linked to the ongoing government transition programme. The complexities and sensitivities associated with this transitional phase have necessitated a delay in the census schedule.

Post-Election Mood

Mr. Jalingo highlighted another contributing factor which is the prevailing post-election mood in the country. The aftermath of elections often introduces a period of heightened political and social dynamics, making it prudent to reschedule the census to ensure accurate and unbiased data collection.

NPC’s Preparedness for a Digital Census

Despite the postponement, Mr. Jalingo emphasized the NPC’s preparedness for the 2023 census. The commission had set the stage for a perfect digital census in Nigeria. According to Jalingo, the NPC achieved international standards for a digital census, procuring and distributing approximately 450,000 digital gadgets to all local governments.

Government as a Continuous Process

Mr. Jalingo expressed optimism that the present administration would build on the successes recorded. The NPC’s continuous efforts in training facilitators, with the support of the Muhammadu Buhari-led administration, exemplify a commitment to seamless transitions and sustained progress.

Benefits and Achievements

Mr. Jalingo reiterated the significance of the census, pointing out its important role in national economic planning and providing essential data for administrative planning. He commended the Buhari-led administration for supporting the NPC, citing the successful training of about 60,000 facilitators nationwide.

Mobilization Efforts

Dispelling notions of unpreparedness, Mr. Jalingo asserted that the NPC had effectively mobilized Nigerians for the census, ensuring that every piece of information required for a successful census was made available to the public.

Rescheduled Census Dates

The NPC made the decision to indefinitely postpone the Population and Housing Census, originally scheduled from May 3rd to May 7th. This adjustment was made to guarantee a well-executed census process reflective of the nation’s evolving political landscape. Stay tuned for further updates on the rescheduled dates from the National Population Commission.

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