Universities in the United states have recently unveiled their International Scholarships Programs for the year 2024, extending a warm invitation to talented individuals from around the globe. If you’re an international student with aspirations to study in the USA, here’s a comprehensive guide to help you through the application process and understand the key details of this prestigious scholarships.

Idaho State University International Scholarships 2024

The Idaho State University has recently lauched its International Scholarships Program for the year 2024. It extends a warm invitation to talented individuals from around the the world.

Idaho State University

Scholarship Details

To be eligible for the Idaho State University International Scholarships, applicants must ensure the completion of their admission application, along with submitting an official TOEFL or IELTS score and official transcript(s) to the International Program Office (IPO) by the specified deadlines. It’s worth noting that this opportunity is available for both undergraduate and graduate students.


For a successful application, there are certain requirements that international students must meet:

  1. Minimum GPA: A commendable minimum GPA of 3.5 is necessary for the initial review or consideration of your application.
  2. Additional Criteria: Depending on the availability of Non-Resident Tuition Waivers (NRTWs), additional criteria may apply.
  3. Exclusions: Students enrolled in non-traditional Pharmacy Programs and other over-subscribed programs should be aware of exclusions applicable to their specific courses.
  4. NRTW Program Time: The time accrued in NRTW programs doesn’t count towards gaining Idaho residency. This is a key consideration for those seeking long-term residency benefits.
  5. Competition: Expect a high level of competition at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Be prepared to showcase your academic excellence and other outstanding qualities.
  6. Financial Preparedness: Successful applicants should be ready to cover approximately $14,000 per semester if the waiver is not awarded.

Application Process

The application process requires attention to detail. Ensure that you have a completed admission application, an official TOEFL or IELTS score, and official transcript(s) submitted to the International Program Office (IPO) within the specified deadlines. Begin application

Texas Tech University Presidential Scholarship 2024

The Texas Tech University Presidential Scholarship Program for 2024 emerges as a super opportunity for those seeking excellence in academic pursuits.

Texas Tech University

Scholarship Details

Texas Tech University takes pride in recognizing exceptional academic ability in international students. It offers Presidential Scholarships based on superior test scores and class-ranking achievements. An enticing feature of this scholarship is that if a non-resident is awarded the Presidential Scholarship, they automatically qualify for in-state tuition. Which is a significant financial benefit.


Here are the requirements for those aspiring to be recipients of the Texas Tech University Presidential Scholarship:

  1. Maintain Cumulative GPA: Scholars must adhere to the cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) outlined on the “Terms and Conditions” tab of MyTech.
  2. Full-Time Enrollment: Scholars are required to maintain full-time enrollment in a Texas Tech University academic program. Accumulating at least 30 TTU hours annually, verified in May, ensures sustained academic engagement.
  3. Update Information: Keeping addresses, including email addresses, current on MyTech is a procedural necessity. Timely communication is key to ensuring a smooth scholarship experience.
  4. Thank You Letter: Scholarship recipients are expected to write a thank-you letter to the scholarship donor when directed by the Texas Tech University Scholarship Office.
  5. Attendance at Events: Scholars are required to attend donor events as specified by the Texas Tech University Scholarship Office.

Application Process

Applying for the Texas Tech University Presidential Scholarship requires a strategic approach. Understanding the aims and criteria outlined in this article is a good starting point. Click here to start application.

Western Michigan University Global Education Merit Scholarship 2024

The Western Michigan University Global Education Merit Scholarship 2024 is for aspiring undergraduates to embark on a journey of academic excellence.

Western Michigan University


The Global Education Merit Scholarship at Western Michigan University is designed to recognize and reward international undergraduate students. It is based on merit criteria and their total estimated cost balance. It’s noteworthy that this scholarship specifically applies to WMU academic tuition.


The prerequisites for applying to the Western Michigan University Global Education Merit Scholarship are:

  1. Admission Status: Initial F-1 or J-1 international undergraduate student applicants admitted for the Fall 2024 semester are eligible to apply.
  2. Academic Entry: Prospective scholars should be entering WMU for the first time after secondary school or transferring from another post-secondary institution in the Fall 2024 semester. This includes those participating in undergraduate degree pathway programs.
  3. Residency Status: Applicants must have non-resident international status.
  4. Academic Excellence: A minimum Cumulative GPA of 3.5 out of 4.0 is a vital criterion.

Application Process

If you find yourself interested and qualified for the Western Michigan University Global Education Merit Scholarship, the application process is accessible through Visit the website to initiate your application and set the wheels in motion for a chance to be awarded this prestigious scholarship.


These scholarship opportunities open doors for international students in the United States. Aspiring scholars are encouraged to explore these opportunities, meet the criteria, and embark on transformative academic journeys in the heart of the USA. Best of luck to all prospective applicants!

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